Time is Everything
Editorial Design
Time is Everything
is a small compendium of articles relating to the fluidity of time and how it takes on different meanings and forms according to context. The book varies in its flow and layout in order to experiment with the structure of the book throughout the course of the pages.
The compendium includes a forward from myself,
The Busy Trap
Tim Kreider
The Possibilian
Burkhard Bilger
, and a report from the
Australian National University
The Aliens are Silent because they're Extinct
You can access a copy of the book here:
Download PDF
Time is Everything
Time is Everything
is a small compendium of articles relating to the fluidity of time and how it takes on different meanings and forms according to context. The book varies in its flow and layout in order to experiment with the structure of the book throughout the course of the pages.
The compendium includes a forward from myself,
The Busy Trap
Tim Kreider
The Possibilian
Burkhard Bilger
, and a report from the
Australian National University
The Aliens are Silent because they're Extinct
You can access a copy of the book here:
Download PDF
Each tick in the spine of the book was meant to denote what section of the book you were in.
Concept & Design:
Josue Cruz
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